Monday, 3 December 2012

Naughty and Nice – why fat free fro yo is the ultimate sinless snack

It’s a familiar problem for dieters and healthy eaters everywhere. What do you do when you want a special treat that feels luxurious but which won’t pile on the pounds?

Let’s face it, even the most diligent of us deserves something decadent from time to time – and there are days when only something sweet will do. For many people low calorie frozen yoghurt can provide a full-flavoured answer – giving you all the delicious taste of a dessert with much less or in some case, no fat at all and fewer calories than other treats.

Forget cakes, biscuits or even ice-cream, choosing low calorie fro yo means you can enjoy a little taste of luxury, a delicious pudding or an indulgent afternoon nibble, that won’t leave you feeling empty but won’t break your diet either. And as consumers become ever more aware of the need to eat healthily it’s a very modern way to get a sweet tooth fix that has far fewer calories.

As the UK’s number one fro-yo brand yoomoo is an expert in creating amazing, low calorie frozen yogurt that tastes as wonderful as it looks. With fewer calories than more traditional snacks like ice-cream or normal, full-fat yoghurt, it represents a fabulous way to enjoy something that’s naughty and nice. Their yoomoo bars offer a great range of flavours, toppings and sauces too, meaning consumers will never be short on choice either, and in three sizes of servings means you there’s a tub to match every appetite.

So how calorific is low fat and fat-free frozen yogurt? How many calories are there in yoomoo’s wonderful fro yo products?

Well, the simple answer is not very many.

Whereas a small, 100ml serving of traditional ice cream typically contains 200 - 300 calories, the same size serving of yoomoo’s fat free vanilla yoghurt weighs in at just 93 calories – a hefty difference. Even their super-rich chocolate flavour only contains 140 calories (compared to the equivalent in ice cream) making it a fantastic way to answer your cravings!

Toppings can be an important too. Choosing one of yoomoo’s fresh fruit toppings can ensure your dessert stays low-calorie and remains a completely sinless snack. Add in the fact that all of yoomoo’s products are made exclusively from natural ingredients and are packed with probiotics and it makes them a healthy option in more ways than one.

Healthy eating website, recommends opting for yogurt-based treats as a way of maintaining weight and shaping up. As they explain: “Yogurt, especially non fat and low-fat varieties, offer considerable health benefits. Subbing ice cream for yogurt can work successfully in any healthy weight loss plan.”
As yoomoo co-founder, Amanda, explains: “yoomoo is all about making fro-yo fun, edgy, and tasty, while keeping it healthy.

“The yoomoo range is guilt free! All our products are made from British milk and are suitable for veggies, with nothing taken out and no room for nasties! Our at home pots are naturally low fat and our yogurt bar fro-yo is deliciously fat free, so yoo really can moo with peace of mind.”

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